Sunday, 17 April 2011

Standing and working followup

So I posted last week about trying out standing and working here is the follow up post I promised. I should have posted this earlier but I have been crazy busy all week with a nasty nasty bug in GraphiteCharts for Silverlight that causes chart grids to vanish randomly. Startups man that shit will kill you. Anyway I digress. I don't have any money at the moment and am staying with my folks. When I set up the standing setup my father walked in and said you won't last an hour. He's a doctor, he also thinks I'm crazy for not getting a regular job and as he puts it wasting my life. Anyway. Next morning he walks in, I'm still standing there, yup still working. I half expected him to say something about me being crazy, but instead he puts on his serious doctor voice and says you'll get Varicose veins if you keep that up.

Umm what !

Yikes those things are ugly !

(I can't find a free domain picture so just use google or bing images).

So I google it some more, turns out this stuff is real and a lot of professions where people stand for long hours actively complain about this stuff, for eg. teachers. But initial googling has resulted in conflicting information where some articles say that standing and working triggers it others say it doesn't. I'm afraid I don't have time to read those articles in detail or read about this more. Here are a few

British medical journal says this is a real problem

Some random clinic says standing can accelerate it in people that have a certain valve defect

Another article discussing the hazards of standing and working

I see standing and working really picking up in computer science work, but I haven't found any articles discussing the potential problems of this. Man, so standing will give you ugly veins and sitting all day will kill your back. Another reason to hate computers.

Maybe I'll post this on HN someone out there ought to know whats happening. I went back to sitting a few minutes after I read those first articles.

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